Can erythropoetin improve post-surgical erectile function?

We want to specifically draw the readers’ attention to a report by Burnett et al. suggesting that pre-surgical treatment with a single dose of erythropoetin may be able to improve erectile function post-surgery. This small study would need to be replicated in a larger, double-blind, randomized study to offer conclusive data, but the potential is fascinating. (See the abstract of the original report or today’s news update for more information.)

Prostate cancer news update: Monday, September 15

Two new studies address issues related to erectile function and voiding function following radical prostatectomy:

  • The first deals with erectile and voiding function following cryotherapy in a contemporary group of patients
  • The second provides an interesting report on the potential of single-dose erythropoetin prior to radical surgery as a means to optimize post-surgical eretile function. … READ MORE …