Development of a federal Office of Men’s Health will help with prostate cancer

The Men’s Health Network (MHN) is a Washington-based advocacy group that takes positions on a number of issues related to men’s health here in the USA — prostate cancer included.

MHN has, for some time, been advocating for the creation and funding of a federal Office of Men’s Health, dedicated to addressing health problems and risks faced by men and similar in intent to the existing federal offices tasked with safeguarding the health of women, children, and minorities (e.g., the Office of Women’s Health) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS). See this video that’s available on line.

MHN is calling on all men — and on those who love them — to urge the creation of such a federal Office of Men’s Health. Men are in need of similar attention because of critical health issues specific to their gender: a higher risk of premature death from stroke, heart disease, and diabetes; heightened odds of addiction; and a higher risk of harming themselves and others. The Office could also create messaging about the importance of nutrition and physical fitness and address social issues such as men’s access to paid family leave in the workplace. Addressing these problems will improve the lives of everyone, and the economy as a whole.

The “New” Prostate Cancer InfoLink notes that such an Office of Men’s Health would also be able to bring additional attention within DHSS to issues related to the prevention and management of forms of cancer that are unique to male patients: penile cancer, testicular cancer, and of course prostate cancer.

MHN needs to generate 100,000 signatures by December 17, 2015. To sign on to this petition, please click here. Note that once you have signed the petition, you will need to confirm your signature by clicking on the e-mail that you receive back from the “We the People” web site. And then tell your friends to sign up too … through whatever mechanisms you have available!

2 Responses

  1. This is so important since men have been brainwashed to think they are invincible and in need to keep the image they are stronger than women in every realm. I see so many never going to yearly exams, etc., but so many are diagnosed daily and act surprised! Please make this a reality soon. Thanks.

  2. I used to staff a table at health fairs for the Karmanos Cancer Center, based in Detroit. I frequently saw this same macho attitude on the part of men about their own health. I had to work hard to encourage them to be more concerned, especially when it came to convincing them to get tested for prostate cancer

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