How is this service financed?

A few people, including one of the members of our Scientific Advisory Board, have asked us, ‘How do you finance The “New” Prostate Cancer InfoLink?’

The “New” Prostate Cancer InfoLink and its related social network are services of a not-for-profit corporation called Prostate Cancer International, Inc.

The services made available through Prostate Cancer International, Inc. are largely a “labor of love.” And to the greatest possible extent we intend to make sure they stay that way:

  • We have just one paid staff member.
  • We have limited out of pocket expenses (for things like travel) related to managing our web services.
  • The software used to run our web sites is pretty much free.
  • The only other major cost identified to date over which we have no control is a certain amount of insomnia!

Having said that, we have in the past and do accept funding from individual donors, from other charitable organizations, and from commercial organizations with an interest in prostate cancer, so long as those funds are either unrestricted in nature or donated to support certain very specific activities and events. However, we will never carry advertising of pharmaceutical products or medical services on our web sites.

Information about funding sources used, in part, to support specific activities of Prostate Cancer International since 2017 are listed on the organization’s web site.

Content on this page last reviewed and updated December 4, 2018.